Child Abuse and Neglect Dashboard

The Child Abuse and Neglect Center dashboard is designed to provide information about the number of calls and reports received at the Santa Clara County Child Abuse Hotline. This includes the number of calls and reports that come in, how many reports were put through for investigation, how many were referred to other more appropriate agencies for prevention services, how many were taken solely for documentation purposes, as well as the type of abuse or neglect reported. This data allows us to identify possible trends that will help us allocate resources and better address the needs of the community.

About This Dashboard

The Child Abuse and Neglect Dashboard is designed to provide the public with important insights into the current state of child abuse and neglect in Santa Clara County. It provides comprehensive data on calls received, the types of calls that come in, and what happens to the information once it is provided, offering an understanding of the issues involved in addressing these concerns.

Child Abuse Calls and Reports Received

Breakdown of Child Abuse Calls and Reports Received.

This section provides total numbers and percentages for calls or reports received which met the criteria for opening a referral for an in-person investigation, those reports which did not meet the criteria for an in-person investigation or prevention services (or evaluate out, as it is referred to by DFCS), as well as those reported by mandated reporters vs non-mandated reporters.

Reports Investigated In Person

This displays the number of Child Abuse Calls and Reports Received that were investigated in person by Immediate Response, Emergency Response or Joint Response.

Details in total number and percentage of how many reports were able to meet the qualifying criteria for investigation, investigated in person or referred to Prevention Services (also referred to as Evaluate Out).

Referred to Prevention Services

The number of reports that were considered “Evaluate Out” and referred to Prevention Services (often called “Differential Response”), usually to community-based agencies that can more appropriately assist the family

Other referrals may be referred to agencies and resources in the community if, after an investigation, the Social Worker assesses that the family would benefit from additional supportive services.

Information and Referral (non-reports)

Non-Reports are generated from calls coming through the Child Abuse and Neglect Center hotline when the information does not fit the requirements for an allegation of abuse by the parents or caretakers. These concerns are documented and maintained in a separate database.

Reports Not Meeting Qualifying Criteria for investigation

Reports may not meet the qualifying criteria for referral or investigation for a variety of reasons, including the victim now being an adult or residing in a different county. These reports are documented and then cross-reported to the appropriate agency or jurisdiction.


  • Data updated Monday at 8AM.
  • Data Sources are CWS-CMS, and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.
  • Contacts: DFCS Director's Office [email protected]

Disclaimer: The information contained on the dashboard is valid at the time of publication and or viewing. The County of Santa Clara County’s Department of Family and Children Services reserves the right to make changes and improvements at any time and without notice, and assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies.

Child Abuse has a lasting detrimental negative impact on children, families, and the community. If you suspect child abuse or neglect or know of a family needing additional support or resources, please contact the DFCS child abuse hotline immediately. The child abuse hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Child Abuse Reporting line - (833) SCC – KIDS (722-5437)

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